This is a guideline for current and former UCSB Department of Art students requesting a letter of recommendation from the UCSB Art Department Faculty. This is NOT a letter of recommendation guideline for the application to our programs.
1. Students should only approach faculty for letters if they have taken a minimum of TWO courses or independent studies (or combination thereof) with them.
2. Students must inform faculty of the specific classes they have taken with them and send work examples (either artworks or written essays).
3. Students must give faculty one month in advance or a minimum of TWO WEEKS notice for all letters.
4. List all the schools you will apply for, with address, search committee chair name, deadlines. The clearer this is laid out, the better your chances of getting the letters there on time, and your referee will be happier too.
5. Supply envelopes, stamps, the particulars of the job/ program if applicable. Tell the referee what you’d like stressed if appropriate.
6. Follow up (essential) – make sure the letters went out on time.
7. Contacts from other schools are good recommendations to have, very often, because it attests to the fact that you’re already “known” outside the confines of the campus. Begin developing these early so you can have a range of recommendations. ALSO – try not to “repeat” a recommendation (if one referee is known for something another is also known for – methodologically, same specific area of research, you’re really not getting two perspectives from a search committee’s point of view.).